ICT Department

The ICT department executes projects in the fields of IT and hardware interfacing.
At free initial consultations, artists can ask for advice on how projects can be carried out and how much that will cost. Projects proceed on the basis of a itemized estimate, and the work can be performed in whole or in part by the ICT department. The ICT department has programmers, interaction designers and hardware interface specialists in service, allowing the provision of a broad spectrum of programs and services.

Specific areas of expertise in which the ICT department can give advice and/or carry out projects:
- Multimedia streaming on the internet
- Interaction design
- Multimedia programming on Windows systems
- Website design and on-line databases
- Multiuser systems
- CD Roms as presentation media or autonomous artworks
- Training courses in the field of new media for artists, art students and art teachers
- Assistance with multimedia exhibitions and events
- Hardware interfacing for installations or performances

In addition, the ICT department makes use of Linux, Apple and Windows systems, and expert knowledge in the field of these operating systems is present.

Price on request